Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day #58 - Take Your Parents to "Work" Day

Miles: Technically 0 although we did hike
May 18

Another awesome day with Mom and Dad. Breakfast at our hotel was really bizarre. When we came downstairs, it looked like someone had started to set up a breakfast buffet but gave up. There were a bunch of empty chafing dishes lined up and a smattering of breads, yogurt, and fruit placed on random tables. Apparently, that was the continental breakfast. There was one guy in the kitchen cooking eggs to order. We were one of only two tables there. It felt like the place was abandoned. Little did we know that would be the theme for the hotel that day.

After breakfast, Mom and Dad laced up their new trail runners and we headed out to the Grayson Highlands. I was excited to show them one of my favorite parts of the trail and maybe see some ponies. Mom was carsick during the ride but the views were pretty. Three Porsches pulled up behind us on the road. Seems odd to see such nice cars out here. We passed a ramp festival (kind of like wild onions) where the Porsches pulled into a grass parking lot. We thought about stopping but were eager to get to the Highlands.

We took a 0.8 mile spur trail up to the AT. Mom and Dad did great, especially considering we didn't have any hiking poles. The terrain was pretty flat but there were a few roots and muddy areas to contend with. We went southbound on the AT towards the spot where I saw the ponies last time. Mom got in front and did a great job following the white blazes! 

For a while I was worried that we wouldn't see any ponies, but then we came across a big herd of them near the entrance to the park. They even had babies! We took a bunch of photos. One of the babies looked like he might have been half donkey. Who knows?!

Near the ponies, we met a 2012 thru-hiker who said the Grayson Highlands and New Hampshire were his favorite parts of the trail. He talked about how dark the New Hampshire spruce forests get and how deep the pine needles get on the ground. He said it's hard to even stake your tent. Sounds comfortable to me!

We hiked 0.5 miles down the Rhododendron Trail to get back to the car. I'm so glad my parents got to see a little of what I do all day, every day. Dad asked me if I ever get winded while hiking. I thought it was a funny question. I am panting much of the day, every day. It takes a lot of work to haul a 30ish pound pack up and down mountains all day. I'm definitely in great shape and never feel out of breath, but I do sweat and breathe hard and all of that.

We stopped in Abingdon, a really pretty little town, for lunch and then went back to Damascus to resupply. It was fun taking my parents grocery shopping. They got to see some of the horrific food I eat. Yum!

When we finally got back to the hotel, we discovered the entire place was locked up. I knew how to get in using a special blue key they had given us, but no one else got that tutorial when we checked in so no one else knew how to get in. They gave us no warning that the hotel would be locked all day. Poor Wing It. If I had known, I would have given him the key and shown him how to get in. Instead, he was locked out all afternoon. They had even locked our rooms, which we intentionally left unlocked so that Wing It could come and go as we pleased (they only gave us one key per room). When we got in, there was no staff anywhere. Who locks up the nicest hotel in town on one of the biggest weekends of the year? The whole thing was just weird.

I sorted through my resupply and gave mom a bunch of stuff to take back to Austin. I now have my summer gear, including a lighter sleeping bag and a tank top. Even with four days of food and two liters of water, my pack feels light and roomy!

We ate dinner at the Blue Blaze (again!), then just relaxed for the rest of the evening. I'm sad to see Mom and Dad go tomorrow, but it's been a great visit!

Best Thing: Seeing the baby ponies with Mom and Dad.
Looking Forward To: Riding back to the trail with Mom and Dad in the morning.


  1. It was a great weekend! It was great to put faces with names and get a glimpse into your world. The hotel experience was funny. I had forgotten the corkscrew lol
    Love you!

  2. Love the ponies photos! they are so cute :))
