Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day #3 - The Devil is in the Details

Miles: 7.7 to Gooch Mountain Shelter
Weather: 60s/30s and sunny

We expected 100% chance of rain but didn't get a drop. That's always a lovely surprise to wake up to. I was a bit cold last night and considered getting a warmer sleeping bag, but I already have a 600 fill 10 degree down bag. Not sure I want to throw down $500 just to be slightly warmer. Going to switch up a few things and see if I can get a little warmer.  I had to take a few breaks when taking down my tent this morning because I couldn't feel my fingers. 

Hiking was pretty easy today. Downhills are hard on the knees! I tried hiking in long johns with running shorts. I like that but it's harder to use my PStyle. 

Everyone seemed in high spirits today, which is encouraging. We made great time and ended up at Gooch Mt Shelter at 2:00. I set up camp and got water from a pipe coming out of a spring. At the spring, I found out Tigger didn't have a multitool so I gave her my extra (it fell out of my pack suspension after night 1). Hung out at the shelter and ate dinner before 4:00. So many nice people. So far, seems very HYOH (Hike Your Own Hike) and not too many know it alls. 

I was the first to put my food bag on the cables. Don't want to lift 5+ bags later ! The site is filling up from Springer and Hawk Mt shelters. Expecting good weather tomorrow. Hope to hike 12.4 to Woods Hole Hostel where Geni Godwin (my old bosses' daughter) works. More on this later. 

Texted my brother Michael for his birthday and texted Mom and Dad to let them know I'm okay. Told them Nita is off the trail. They told me my GPS signals are going through. 

About "Woods Hole Hostel." Yeah... That's in Virginia. I misread the guide book. It actually said Woods Hole Shelter, which is NOT the same thing. That threw off our mileage. You need a bear canister at Woods Hole Shelter and all the way to Neel Gap. We are shooting for a 16 miler to get up and over Blood Mountain in one day. Luckily, lots of others have the same plan, so we are in it together! 

Best Thing: AMAZING weather and new friends. 

Looking Forward To: Big miles (for us) and Woods Hole Hostel (oops!).

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