Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day #18 - So Much Uphill

Miles: 15.2 miles to Cable Gap Shelter

It was so foggy and cold last night, but I stayed warm in my bag in the crowded shelter. It was 2 story and we probably crammed in 16 people. Mice made a nest in Blacksmith's rain cover. None have made their way into my stuff yet. 

We rolled out a little after 8. It was very foggy and chilly. I hiked alone most of the day (friends were ahead of and behind me) and stopped for a solo picnic on a grassy turn in the trail. Everyone else stopped just down the trail at a gap. They got apples and someone left a trashbag. Glad I didn't miss any major trail magic. 

Today we climbed something called Jacob's Ladder. It was pretty much 800 feet straight up with no switchbacks. It was TOUGH! We lunched at Brown Fork Gap Shelter, our original destination. Tigger and True Story decided to push on. I didn't really want to push my body, but I wanted to stick with them so pushed out another 6 miles (about 2.5-3 hours of hiking) to make it a 15 mile day. Eek! Yay for Vitamin I (ibuprofen)! 

I grabbed a spot in the shelter. Never thought I'd be a shelter rat but it beats trying to take down a tent with frozen fingers. There were chunks of dirt floating in my water bottle, so I dumped that and refilled at the stream. I love drinking from streams! Tastes much better than town water. 

Right before bed, Mighty Blue (older Brit) asked me to explain my trail name. I pulled out my PStyle and explained what it was to the whole group. Don't worry. I didn't demonstrate it. It's so funny to see guys' reaction to it. Peeing standing up is so liberating, but I don't actually use it very often. I did use it at the NOC to pee off the balcony when it was dark and raining one night. Why not? 

Best Thing: Surviving an unexpected 15 mile day. 

Looking Forward To: A short day to Fontana Village tomorrow! 


  1. I'm so proud of you! It sounds really tough but you seem to be enjoying the journey. Hope your fingers are better!
    Miss you! Love you!

  2. How many miles have you done total? Sounds like this is unseasonably crappy weather this year. Maybe it'll mean that you have better weather longer at the end of the trail. :)

  3. Well, this is interesting. It shows that I posted this at 7:03 pm but it's 10:03 pm. Weird West Coast time??

  4. I am giggling at the thought of you explaining the PStyle to a group of random people lmao

  5. Loved chatting with you today! Go get em!
